How Do I Convert a Working Slip Into an Estimate Slip?

A working slip cannot be converted to an estimate slip. The correct workflow is to create an estimate slip first, and then once it is approved, you can click the "Start Working" button to convert them into working slips.

If you have a working slip that needs to be an estimate slip, you can use the following workaround:

Please note that this workaround only works for fixed, quantity, and expense slips.:

  1. Select the working slip, right-click and choose Create Blueprint from Slip.
  2. Enter a name for the template.
  3. Select the Estimate Slips tab.
  4. Click the New Slip from Blueprint button and select the blueprint you've just created.
  5. Enter the appropriate information. Click OK.

Once you've transferred the slips over, go to Billings Pro > Preferences > Blueprints and delete the blueprints from there.

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