How Can I Link an Unfiled Slip to a Project?

You can link unfiled slips to projects on Mac and iOS. Below are the different methods to link slips to projects.


There is an unfiled slips view located under General in your left sidebar. You can also view unfiled slips in the timers window and the menubar timer.

Link from Billings Pro window:

  1. Go to the unfiled slips view
  2. Select the slip or slips you wish to link
  3. Go to Edit > Link To
  4. Locate the project to link the slips and select the project name.
  5. Click Link

Link from Menubar Timer

  1. When you have an active slip that you created on the fly, click the menubar timer.
  2. Select Link to Project
  3. Locate the project to link the slips and select the project name.
  4. Click Link

You can also right-click to access the contextual menu to link, or you can click and drag the selected slip or slips over the client, then the selected project.


When you have unfiled slips, an icon will be displayed on the home screen beside projects on iPad and above settings on iPhone. You can quickly select the slips from this list and link them up to existing projects.

  1. Select the unfiled slip by tapping it
  2. Tap File Slip (scroll down to locate this option)
  3. Locate the project to link the slips and tap the project name.

You can file multiple slips at once as well once you are in the unfiled slips view:

  1. Tap the File button in the top right corner of the window
  2. Select the slips you wish to file and tap Move
  3. Locate the project to link the slips and tap the project name.
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