How do I create custom filenames for invoices, estimates, and statements?

The invoices, estimates and statements you create in Billings Pro can have customized filenames. Go to Billings Pro > Preferences > Numbering. Here, you can set up custom filenames for your invoices, estimates, and statements.

For example:

  • %estNum% saves your estimate by allocating the "Estimate #" as the filename.
  • %invNum% saves your invoice by allocating the "Invoice #" as the filename.
  • %staNum% saves your statements by allocating the "Statement #" as the filename.

The above specifiers always show the combination of the Prefix and Number text fields. File names are completely customizable. You can add other specifiers defined in the Prefix article to customize your filenames. For example, adding the %estNum%%date% key assigns your "Estimate #" and current date combined as your filename.

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