Is Billings Pro available in different languages?
Billings Pro is localized in a number of different languages.
Billings Pro Mac:
- English
- French
- German
To use Billings Pro on your Mac using any of the supported languages listed above, quit the Billings Pro application, open the System Preferences, and navigate to "Language & Region". Ensure that your preferred language (e.g. German) is selected in the region and language fields. Depending on the changes made, you may have to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
Billings Pro on the iPhone & iPad:
- English
- French
- German
To use Billings Pro on your iPhone or iPad using any of the supported languages listed above, close the Billings Pro application, open Settings, and navigate to "Language & Region". Ensure that your preferred language (e.g. German) is selected in the iPhone Language and Region fields. Depending on the changes made, you may have to restart the device for the changes to take effect.