What happens to my Billings 3 templates when I migrate to Billings Pro

In Billings 3, all custom templates resided in the Home > Library > Application Support > Billings > Templates folder. Once you migrate your database to Billings Pro, all your custom templates will be embedded in your database.

There are 3 reasons for doing this:

  1. Custom templates embedded into the database can be shared with other macs you use Billings Pro on.
  2. They can also be shared with your colleagues who use Billings Pro on their macs as well.
  3. When changes are made to the templates, they are synced to all users to maintain template consistency.

Templates, once embedded, will be available in Billings Pro > Preferences > Templates. If you notice that your templates are not in that section or have other templates that were not converted during the migration process: 1. Open the templates in the Billings template editor. 2. Choose Design > Conversion > Bulk Convert Billings 3.x template to Billings Pro 1.x and do the conversion.

You can now include these custom templates in Billings Pro.

  1. Working from the Templates pane of Billings Pro Preferences, click the + button.
  2. Browse to the location of your template, select it, and click Open.
  3. Click Sync.
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