Billings Pro crashing after updating Mac OS to Big Sur

Why is this problem occurring

You are running into this issue because you have an incompatible version of Billings Pro installed.


Follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

  • Ensure Billings Pro application is quit.
  • Download the latest version of Billings Pro.
  • Once downloaded, unzip the file > you will see a Billings file.
  • Double click on the Billings file to launch it.
  • It should ask you to move the Billings Pro application to the Applications folder.  Click on the move to applications button.
  • Once done, Billings Pro should open.
  • Initiate a manual sync from Billings Pro, File Menu ==> Sync.

If the crashing continues to persist or if you run into syncing errors after following the steps above, please initiate a support ticket here for our Technical Support Team to investigate further.

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